I received three comments from different clients this week that particularly affected me:

“Thank you for all the work you did with our team…you have given me tools that I’ll likely use throughout my career.” (manager)

“I have never felt so heard and understood since I started working here. Thank you.” (team member)

“I am so grateful for you…You changed my life.” (leader)

These heartfelt words struck my core. I am deeply touched by these affirming expressions, as I always seek to positively impact the work and lives of other people. And, I also appreciate that each person I work with makes a huge difference in my own life. Each encounter is a source of connection and understanding. Each person teaches me something new—about their perspectives, their struggles, their strengths, and their wisdom. Each interaction becomes a part of my experience and growth.

So, as we end this week, I leave with gratitude to be able to work closely with other people, to connect with team members and leaders in a meaningful way, and to walk beside other humans on our journey to improve our work and our world.

Thank you!